So I managed to get the following Sylvanian Families sets and figures recently. They are all are on their way to me as of this writing or I may have received them already at the time of publishing this post. All photos below are my screenshots of the pics from the sellers' listings.
- costumed babies from the JP ToysRUs Fairy Tree Set.
- I wanted the babies, but not the tree set. Lol! So I was glad to see just the baby figures listed
for sale. Haha! It's kinda rare to find these sold separately. In fact it's the first time I saw such
a listing for it. I immediately purchased it. I wouldn't say it came cheap though. Oh well.
- Flair Show Jumping set (complete).
- This I got for maybe only 1/3 or less than 1/3 the price of what it normally goes for on eBay
(including shipping), and it comes with its box. Perfect. I like sets like these to come with its
box if possible so it's easier to track which piece goes with which later when necessary. UK
contact already has this packed in their luggage. They're arriving this October to visit and I'll
- Robinson Red Panda family
- another set that's not easy to find at an affordable price especially with the baby. I'd rather
buy whole families than hunt for missing members separately (too much hassle. Lol). I found
a used set that looks as if it's new still. The thing with SF figures, I don't mind if I don't have
the box for it. And I mostly buy non-figures primarily, with SF. Maybe later I'll start getting
more of the other families.

- Epoch Japan Cake Shop Set
- This one I found used but as if new. Very awesome. And once again, I got it (not from eBay)
for way less its usual listing price (on eBay). So with shipping, it ended up being 1/3 the cost
vs eBay listings (not including the shipping fees on there). Wow. It usually goes for 3x more
or less on eBay, brand new with box. As it's not one of my targeted key SF items to find/buy,
and I don't bake nor really eat cakes and processed sweets except at parties or dinners, I wasn't
willing to buy it for that price. So when I saw how much this listing went for, I decided to snap
it up anyway as I've never seen it go for that reasonable a price.
I just like the concept and the design of this version the most, out of all the cake shop sets so
far that Epoch has released for their SF line. This seems to be a 2006 release as per the site.
And what's even better, it came with 2 different baking outfit/cake accessory sets that's sold separately from this set. Lol!! See the baker figure at the corner + the other accessories and the waitress figure (both on the second pic above) vs. the listing of the their corresponding accessories sets I saw on below:
This means I don't have to go hunting/buying the two extra sets above. I can't believe I got the whole thing plus some extra figures. It's like killing several birds with one stone and at so much less than the usual prices for these items. Lol!
There's another separate set that connects to this cake shop building.. and it's not a kitchen. However, I don't find it worth it at the price it's going for nor that interesting (yet.. Lol).
It's more like a nice to have for me rather than a must have so I can do without it. Maybe another time, when it's at a fairer price. At the time it was listed for more or less $150 to $200, like a building gift set with accessories, so I don't think so. hehe!
Anyway, I just hope this last item/listing that I purchased isn't one of those too good to be true stuff. I'm also crossing my fingers that the package doesn't get damaged during shipping. Ack. It may not be fully complete with the fiddly other cake/dessert items maybe but I'm not too worried 'cause Epoch released so many different cake shop or cake accessories... The main ones are included and I'm not exactly a cake or sweets person, so that's good enough for me. Hehe! It is still quite a good steal having got this set + two, for a song! Lol! We'll see.