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Father Cuthbert
is the best toy maker in Sylvania. His doll houses and doll furniture are every girl's dream presents. Every boy would like one of his wooden train sets or one of his cuddly Teddy bears
Mother Lauren
likes everything neat and tidy, which is why she will not venture anywhere near Cuthbert's workshop. The thought of all the mess upsets her!
Brother Jack
likes to help his dad int he workshop, especially when there is painting to be done. Jack likes a mess and often gets more paint on his paws and face than on the toy he is painting for his father.
Sister Chloe
likes having all her friends stay for a sleep over, just so they can all play with her large doll house and furniture
Baby Teddy
takes after his mother and has all his rattles and playthings placed neatly around him.
Baby Hetty
is completely hare-brained and can never remember where she put her things!
CC The Sugar Bear Family
Father Bernard runs the Cloverleaf Clothing Store.
Mother Beth loves to sew and makes a lot of the clothes in her family's store.
Sister Bridget likes arts and crafts and can spend the whole day coloring.
Brother Brian is very calm and artistic and likes to draw and paint pictures.
Baby twin Loreli loves chasing butterflies and rolling around in the grass.
Baby twin Lucas loves playing and splashing around in nearby ponds.
Epoch The Marmalade bear family
Epoch The Marmalade bear family
Father Benedict owns the mom and pop shop, at the same time he is the mayor of the Sylvanian Village. Therefore, he is always very busy, but he is strong and always reliable. He once saw a fish called "King of the Glitter sea". Mother Liane works hard and helps her busy husband at work in the mom and pop shop. Nevertheless, she is always smiling and lovingly cares. Brother Bernhardt is the most energetic resident of the Sylvanian Village. He is good in all sports and is always in first place. He is also a popular very football and volleyball player in the Sylvanian Village Sister Betty is shy, but likes to talk. She has the same birthday as the Sylvanian Village. she is always helpful and caring towards her parents.
Baby boy (standing, in yellow) is always smiling and is a very friendly baby. He loves nothing more than a nap with his mother. He also loves to tell his friends stories about his dreams.
Baby girl (standing) is quiet and a bit shy with strangers. She loves her caring mother and her smile looks just like her mother's.
Baby Twins Melli & Micha like to imitate their parents by playing a shopkeeper and customer. You always roll around with laughter playing with these cute twins!